Thursday 17 May 2012

Melodious Warbler, Leyton, East London - showing well

I went back to Leyton during my lunch break again today (15 minutes desk to bird) this time armed with my bins and camera. And this time I struck lucky! The bird showed after 5 minutes or so and then continuously on and off over the next 45 minutes. What a cracker! I can't resist adding so many pics! Enjoy. 


  1. You got lucky Monkey, nice shots.

  2. Thanks both, more luck than judgement. The bird was very mobile constantly feeding until 5 mins before I had to leave when it sat in bramble for about 2 minutes singing at about 30 feet. Cheers.

  3. Some of the best shots I've seen of this little gem of a bird - Top draw effort.

  4. Beautiful shots; the bird seemed to cooperate so nicely for you! Have a great weekend!
