Monday, 31 August 2009

Ground Tern Day

Having been away for a few days in Wales I did not think that I would be leaving again for a sea watching trip to Cornwall within 2.5 hours of arriving home. Fellow birder Jonathon Lethbridge (see had hatched a plan to do a sea watch from Porthgwarra as the south westerlies looked promising. I must admit I felt a bid bad walking out the door just a couple of hours after arriving home but permission was granted and I was going. I had about 30 mins to get together everything I needed and by 5pm we were on the M25 heading to Farmoor Resevoir which I had left approximately 4.5 hours earlier. Joining us was Stuart a Wanstead based birder JL had recently met on the flats.

All 3 blackish terns were duly seen again and with the sun setting rapidly we continued on our way south west via a supermarket for essential provisions, beer and snacks, and a fish and chip shop.

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