By midday it was confirmed as a Western Bonellis, and it at 1.30pm it was reported again. Leaving Hornchurch at about 5pm we made good time arriving around 6.30pm. At first the news was positive with a departing birder stating the bird had shown just 10 ins earlier. We joined a small group of birders stood before a section of cover and it soon became apparent that it contained a number of Willow Warblers, but not a lot else. After 30 mins or so we decided we'd search the rest of The Moat. Despite us not finding a Bonellis Warbler we did enjoy a great supporting cast of 2 Black Redstarts, up to a dozen Wheatears, 2 Winchats and best of all 2 cracking male Redstarts.
With the light rapidly fading we bashed some bushed hoping to relocate the earlier reported Wryneck, but again no joy, so we headed off for a fish and chip supper, only to find that closed too!
That's the 2nd Western Bonellis me and Shaun have now dipped. It'll be 3rd time luck hopefully.
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